Join Our Adoption Story

We have BIG news!
We are adopting a child from India :)

ADOPTION STATUS: CARA Approved and Matched

We are adopting a child!

We are beyond excited and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful new life into our home. As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption-related costs can easily total up to $35,000 or more. This is why we have set a goal of $30,000 to help ease the financial burden that often overwhelms adoptive parents.

We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as she grows up. Noele and I met in October of 2015 at a college-age Bible study in Bend OR. I instantly fell in love with this girl from the moment I laid eyes on her! It was after a few dates together and sharing our vision for the future that my love for her deepened. We both had it on our hearts that one day in the future we would adopt. We did not know how many or from where but knew that our God is a Father to the fatherless had purposed for us to become the same.

Noele and I have been married now for 10 years. In that time the Lord has blessed us with 4 beautiful children; Avery (7) Hudson (5) Judah (3) and Asher(1). We are looking to adopt a little girl from India. Our children constantly remind us of our calling as they talk about their sister they haven’t met yet and pray for her. It does so much for our hearts as we see our kids get excited for their new sister.

We have chosen to adopt a girl from India for a number of reasons. India ranks as number 1 for the most dangerous country in the world for women and girls due to the high risk of sexual violence and slave labor.  Though the dowry is illegal there now, many still go by the custom and girls are seen as a debt and a burden. Noele spent some time in India when she went with a YWAM (Youth With a Mission). While there she visited many orphanages and saw firsthand how great the need is. Many of the people there thought Noele could just take their child back to the U.S. and tried to give here their children right then and there. The need is great indeed.   The children that are cast aside whether they live in the street or in the orphanages do not have much hope. Our heart is for the least wanted of the unwanted. Though the world does not attribute them much value, God loves each of them because they have been made in His image. As the Lord has been so gracious to adopt us into His family, we want to extend that to a little girl in India.

We want to Thank you from the bottom of our hearts as you partner with us to help make this dream a reality and bring our little girl home. We ask that you would join us in prayer for our soon to be daughter and our family as we begin this journey.